The Numbers Behind Social Media

Whether you use them for reaching potential customers, interact with people, or to generate content, social media is a power tool for businesses. Check out this infographic by TheLogoCompany for some of the most popular online networks and how much of an impact they each have. Key takeaways: Facebook has over 1,200,000,000 users and every

By |2014-04-01T13:05:32+00:00April 1st, 2014|facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, social business, social media, Twitter, YouTube|Comments Off on The Numbers Behind Social Media

Social Media for Business

Today, we see businesses trying all types of ways to use social media to gain an edge over competitors. Creating a plan before you start, defining measurable goals, building a strong network, while being engaging and a good listener can lead to social media success. [source: WigiSocial] While many are successful using social media to

By |2014-03-19T20:56:14+00:00March 19th, 2014|social business, social media|Comments Off on Social Media for Business

Doing Better Online

Many local businesses turn to digital marketing to increase online sales or foot traffic to their stores (or both). And many online marketers who work with local businesses often look for new ways to boost Web traffic and online visibility. So here is an easy-to-implement idea for boosting the online visibility of a local business.

By |2014-03-07T04:49:35+00:00March 7th, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, social business, social media|Comments Off on Doing Better Online

Using Social Media to Boost Sales

It's vital to take advantage of LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with prospective customers and stay on the radar of previous ones. Whether you're a sales manager or sales rep, chances are you've heard of social selling. At first glance the trendy phrase is intuitive--selling via social media channels. But while the definition might be

By |2014-03-06T14:23:01+00:00March 6th, 2014|LinkedIn, social business, social media, Twitter|Comments Off on Using Social Media to Boost Sales

Business should use LinkedIn

Few things in this world are absolute. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” But in the 21st century, there are a few more things that society has grown more sure of — such as the utility of the Internet. [source: Peter Roesler,

By |2014-02-19T13:09:11+00:00February 19th, 2014|LinkedIn, social business, social media|Comments Off on Business should use LinkedIn
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