Pinterest for Business

The 10 Commandments of Pinterest To use Pinterest for Business, you need to first understand what it is, how it works and how to make it work for you. [source:] Pinterest is a stand-alone Visual Social Network built around engaging visual content. Users share visual images from the web, by “pinning” them on to

By |2012-12-03T16:09:16+00:00December 3rd, 2012|Pinterest, social business, social media|0 Comments

Museums pursue engagement with social media

Shelley Bernstein lives with her computer. Most days she hunkers down in her spartan office at the Brooklyn Museum where, as chief technology officer, she invents ways to keep people visiting the museum and its Web site. [source: New York Times] Every night she bicycles home to the Red Hook section of Brooklyn to be

By |2012-12-18T21:11:25+00:00September 18th, 2012|art, museum, social media|Comments Off on Museums pursue engagement with social media

Social Media: Facts, Figures and Statistics

There are 600 million more people that own a mobile phone compared to those who own a toothbrush. Some research reveals that there are 4.8 billion mobile users but only 4.2 billion people with a toothbrush. [source: Jeff Bullas] Does that mean that every mobile should be sold with a free toothbrush or should you

Your Small Business Should Care About Social Media

Is investing time on social media sites worth it for small business owners? Here are some industry statistics that might answer that question: 150 million Facebook users (socialbakers) 107.7 million Twitter users (Media Bistro) 69% of businesses receive recommendations from Facebook fans (Infographioclabs) While these numbers show the potential audience, they don’t do a good

5 Ways to Get Going and Get Noticed

You’ve done your research. You’ve picked a username. You’ve figured out your place in the crowd, and you’re ready for takeoff…but what do you say? We’d like to show you what to write about and how to maintain a genuine connection through Twitter. [source: Emma Shannon, Vistaprint] 1. Get going. Start by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. What would you want

By |2012-08-29T11:51:01+00:00August 29th, 2012|social media, Twitter|0 Comments
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