If your business isn’t on Facebook, you don’t exist.

It used to be said that if it’s not on the Internet, it doesn’t exist. Well, that needs to be taken a step further.

Almost everybody is using social networking sites, especially the younger generations. Can your business afford to be missing out on those markets?

In today’s world, if your business is not on the Internet, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that it doesn’t really exist, or at least, give it a few months, and it won’t exist any more. The Internet is all-pervasive and everybody you want to sell to has access to it.

And that has become the case with Facebook, Twitter and other networking sites. If you’re not on them, you business will suffer compared to your competitors.

So why wait? Getting your business onto one of these networking sites is much easier than setting up a new Website and is completely free. Being a technophobe is no excuse. This is the 21st century, if you can’t handle a Facebook page, you don’t deserve to be in business.

So which networking sites should you choose?

Ideally, all of them. Maximize your coverage. But in reality, you only need one or two. In B2C industries, you should go with the two main ones, Facebook and Twitter. If you’re B2B, you should probably get yourself onto LinkedIn too. LinkedIn is more about personal business networking than corporate marketing, but it’s still useful to have it under your belt.

If you have the time and/or resources to open up a few other channels on other networking sites, then go for those too.