Taking Advantage of Technology

Many writers have focused on the benefits that Internet technology offer to arts institutions: reaching many new people at lower cost, explaining new and challenging work, educating children, and on and on. [source: Michael Kaiser, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts] It is easy to say that Internet activities are a powerful new

By |2014-03-03T14:50:48+00:00March 3rd, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, Internet, technology|Comments Off on Taking Advantage of Technology

Connecting with Customers to Succeed

Companies Have to Connect with Customers Digitally to Succeed Businesses live or die today based on how they adapt to digital media. [source: Mitchell York, Entrepreneurs] As an entrepreneur growing a business, how do you establish and implement an effective digital strategy? In the new book The Network Is Your Customer: Five Strategies to Thrive

By |2014-02-19T14:25:59+00:00February 19th, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, consumer, digital|Comments Off on Connecting with Customers to Succeed

Market Your Startup on a Dime

Q. I'm set to launch my first social network startup at the end of February. However, to gain some initial interest, I need to market the site in an inexpensive way. What are some different, low cost ways I can do so? — Matt Querzoli (Sydney, Australia) A. It is important for every founding team

By |2014-02-19T10:56:08+00:00February 15th, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, marketing|Comments Off on Market Your Startup on a Dime

Is it important to have a Website for your business?

With over 2.2 billion people online, the Internet has revolutionized how we find and share information. The online world is moving at a rapid pace and doesn’t show any signs of slowing. For businesses, a Web presence has become a fundamental part of success. But why is a presence on the Web so important? How

By |2014-02-11T13:59:30+00:00February 11th, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, Internet, marketing, Web|Comments Off on Is it important to have a Website for your business?

You want them to come.

Just because you build it doesn't mean they will come! In today’s age of "Internet mania" it is hard to envision any business that doesn't need a presence on the Internet as a marketing tool. The problem for many small-business owners is the thinking that just because they have a Website, Facebook page or LinkedIn

By |2014-02-11T14:02:15+00:00February 11th, 2014|B2B marketing, B2C marketing, Internet, Web|Comments Off on You want them to come.
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