retail holiday shopping

If you’re in retail, you know that the end of the year is when the action happens.

The National Retail Association estimates that the holiday season accounts for nearly 30% of annual sales on average.

[source: Twitter Business] But no matter your industry, it’s not too late to gain some serious ground and make sure 2019 looks bright. Here are some ways to sprint to the finish line.

Make it easy for your customers to use their budget

If you have budget left to spend this year, remember that your customers might as well. Think about what their needs might be at this point in the year, and then speak directly to that need in your advertising, making it easy for them to spend it with you. There’s often a “use it or lose it” rule with business budgets, so help your customers keep that line item.

Create a post-holiday plan

If you have an intense holiday campaign plan, you might be tempted to give your accounts a breather after the big days. But is your audience likely to have when it’s all over? Cash, gift cards, new presents that could be enhanced with the purchase of a few accessories, or the desire to buy the things they really wanted. Whether your product is a tempting self-purchase or an app that you’d like to see on your customer’s device for a test drive, make sure your business reminds them that you’re here to help redeem the season.

Remember remarketing

As a part of your holiday campaign efforts, you may be capturing new leads or driving traffic to your website. You can use Tailored Audiences to target these groups directly and increase their likelihood of converting. Just make sure you’re presenting an offer that’s different than what brought them to your business in the first place.

Think internationally

Your US audience might be focused on the holidays, but if your customers are outside the US, this is a great time to use location and/or language targeting to focus your sales messages on those who are more likely to be tuned in and paying attention to it.

Make the most of any downtime

How great does it feel to start the year with a plan in place? Use any lower traffic times to set up systems that will help you hit the ground running, and help your customers do the same. And remember that if things are slow, that means that more people looking for inspiration, entertainment, or information online, which means more opportunities to interact with your content.