Premiering on Wall Street Journal Live and The Telegraph, UK-based TRACC has produced a video about Interbrand.

Working with Interbrand’s Global Marketing & Communications team over the last year, the video features our senior leadership explaining why, in today’s global marketplace, creating and managing brands as business assets is more important than ever before.

Featured is an interview with Eileen Lynch, Head of Global Brand Strategy for Thomson Reuters. Lynch says, “Probably one of the most significant changes that has occurred in the way we run our business as a result of the relationship with Interbrand is actually appreciating the value of a brand.”

As a branding firm dedicated to helping clients distill and market their value sets, purpose and brands to the public, it is always an exciting opportunity when we get to flip the switch and zoom in on the Interbrand brand. Founded in 1974, Interbrand’s culture and history is a rich and long one.

While built largely through acquisition over the years, our path has echoed the counsel we often provide to our clients. Anticipate the changing needs of markets and adapt accordingly.