A New Kind of Consulting Business

Strategy& CEO Cesare Mainardi and PricewaterhouseCoopers International Chairman Dennis Nally discuss how Strategy& and PwC will lead the way in changing the consulting industry, for good.

Big Digital Trends Shaping The Future

Looking to give your company a digital edge? Focus on the top three digital trends shaping the future – mobile, personalization, and data analytics. Watch Christopher Vollmer, Managing Director of Strategy& Digital Services, explain his key insights on how to get ahead in the digital race.

Think like a disruptor, act like a start-up.

Companies hunting for a winning digital platform need to implement a strategy shaped by innovation and disruptive thinking. Strategy&’s Digital Services is helping companies achieve their digital goals; placing the user at the center, moving quickly and going beyond.

The Power of Human-Centered Design

We are experiencing a digital revolution, and to stay ahead companies need to delight their customers. Human-Centered Design is a strategy that places the user at the center of innovation, to help you create a winning digital platform.

Navigating the Digital Future

In its 9th annual Global Innovation 1000 Study, Strategy& analyzed the world’s 1000 largest corporate R&D spenders and surveyed 400 global executives about which companies they believe are the most innovative in the world and their companies’ use of digital tools in innovation.