Social Media: Facts, Figures and Statistics

There are 600 million more people that own a mobile phone compared to those who own a toothbrush. Some research reveals that there are 4.8 billion mobile users but only 4.2 billion people with a toothbrush. [source: Jeff Bullas] Does that mean that every mobile should be sold with a free toothbrush or should you

Blogging Tips for Small Businesses

  Small business blogging is a great way to showcase your business, talent and expertise in your business market. If you are already blogging for your business then you know the sales, customer loyalty and attention it can bring your business. Follow these 5 tips to get the most out of your blogging: Check your

By |2011-11-17T14:17:15+00:00November 15th, 2011|blog, branding, competition|0 Comments

Blogging to Improve Search Engine Ranking

Blogging isn’t only useful for customer interaction. It can also improve your search engine ranking: — Blogging delivers fresh content to your Web site on a regular basis that is topic specific and filled with keywords and phrases — search engines love that. — Blogging creates a new page with each entry and search engines index

By |2011-11-17T14:14:04+00:00November 15th, 2011|blog, competitiveness, small business, social media|0 Comments
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