Your Small Business Should Care About Social Media

Is investing time on social media sites worth it for small business owners? Here are some industry statistics that might answer that question: 150 million Facebook users (socialbakers) 107.7 million Twitter users (Media Bistro) 69% of businesses receive recommendations from Facebook fans (Infographioclabs) While these numbers show the potential audience, they don’t do a good

Misconceptions: Social Media

If you are a business owner, I strongly suggest you stop resisting social media as a platform to build strong relationships, enhance brand perception, and to connect with clients and customers. Just as businesses resisted building and promoting a Web site, a portion of them are now resisting social media. Why? Is it because you

By |2012-08-22T19:07:47+00:00August 22nd, 2012|small business, social business, social media|0 Comments

It all starts with the customer…

In business, this has always been true. But now a new breed of customer is dictating a new set of terms in the dynamic between buyers and sellers. [source: IBM] Customers approach a sale empowered by technology and transparency, with more extensive information from more sources than ever before. They expect to engage with companies

By |2012-03-13T20:21:45+00:00March 13th, 2012|B2C marketing, competitiveness, small business, social media|0 Comments
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